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Kings Hill School Primary & Nursery

Inspired to believe, Inspired to achieve

Modern Languages


At Kings Hill School and Nursery, we believe that our high-quality bespoke French curriculum inspires learners to become inquisitive and resilient learners, wanting to know more about the French-speaking world, showing an interest in language learning and communicating with their peers. 

Our French curriculum intends to:

  • Develop a growing knowledge of French vocabulary and structures.
  • Inspire learners’ knowledge of French culture.
  • Introduce learners to a new phonic system to develop good pronunciation.
  • Develop oracy skills.
  • Enhance listening skills and language learning behaviour.
  • Create links between other subjects.
  • Engender an appreciation that cultures are different but also have similarities.
  • Teach skills that can be applied in other languages.
  • Ensure that pupils are ready to learn a language at KS3 as confident resilient learners.
  • Use language learning as an opportunity to explore SMSC, engender British Values and align our school values with curriculum content.


  • Weekly lessons delivered by a language specialist.
  • A cycle of lessons which enables progress and development in the areas of phonics, grammar, vocabulary and culture.
  • Regular opportunities to revisit and reuse previous vocabulary and structures to lead to better retention and retrieval.
  • Low stake quizzing and assessment for learning opportunities to track pupil attainment.
  • Reactive teaching which takes into account progress or the need to cover content again.
  • Challenge provided for those pupils who are bilingual or able in the subject.
  • Access to magazines and books to experience “real-life” realia and access to the outdoor area to learn outside the classroom.
  • Planning special days such as French day and links with other events like Diversity week and writing week.
  • Entering competitions and celebrating our successes.


Our French curriculum is enriching and of a high quality. It tracks the learner’s journey of French through their school experience to allow for progression and retention. If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods.

  • Assessment for Learning self-assessment grids.
  • Deep dives to see a progression of skills through year groups.
  • Marking of books to see progress in listening, reading, writing and reading.
  • Pupil discussions about their learning.

Modern Languages News
