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Kings Hill School Primary & Nursery

Inspired to believe, Inspired to achieve



At Kings Hill School and Nursery, we believe that our high-quality history curriculum inspires children to become inquisitive learners, wanting to know more about the past and to think and act like historians.

Our history curriculum intends to:

  • To develop pupils’ enjoyment and interest in history and how it relates to modern life.
  • To build on pupils’ curiosity of events from the past and understand their significance.
  • To understand how human achievements have influenced society.
  • To use a range of historical sources to enhance pupils understanding and encourage analytical thinking.
  • To develop a knowledge of chronology within which the children can organise their understanding of the past.
  • To understand the similarities and differences between the present and the pas and to understand that people of other times and places may have had different values and attitudes from ours.
  • To address and devise historically valid questions and instruct informed responses
  • To introduce pupils to historical vocabulary.
  • To develop pupils’ use of computing in their historical studies.
  • To understand the nature of evidence by emphasising the process of enquiry and by developing the range of skills required to interpret primary and secondary source materials.
  • To distinguish between historical facts and the interpretation of those facts.


  • A cycle of lessons for each subject, which carefully plans for progression and depth.
  • Low stake quizzing through retrieval practice that is tested regularly to support learners’ ability to block learning and increase space in the working memory.
  • Written assignments that allow them to explore the time period they are learning about in a reported style.
  • Challenge questions for pupils to apply their learning.
  • Trips and visiting experts who will enhance the learning experience.


Our history curriculum is enriching and of a high quality. It tracks the child’s learning journey of history through their school experience to allow for progression and retention. If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods.

  • End of topic assessments
  • Written pieces around their topic
  • Pupil discussions about their learning

History News
