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Kings Hill School Primary & Nursery

Inspired to believe, Inspired to achieve

Year Two

Welcome to Seahorse Class!

Our teacher is Mrs Ratcliffe Our teaching assistant is Mrs Austin.



 Welcome to Turtle Class!

Our teacher is Miss Valentine . Our teaching assistants are Mrs Hatful and Mrs Gilman.



Please click here for the Year 2 'Meet the Teacher' presentation 

Autumn Term 2024      

Welcome to Year 2. We hope you had a lovely break and we are looking forward to a hard-working and fun term with you all. 

Below is an outline of the learning that will take place this term.

English Key Text: Mouse. Look Out! and Dougal's Deep-Sea Diary


  • Listen to and engage with different book genres.
  • To continue to apply phonic knowledge and skills to decode words.
  • To read accurately by blending the sounds in words that contain the graphemes taught so far, especially recognising alternative sounds for graphemes


  • To write a diary
  • To write a character description.
  • To describe a setting.
  • To write a narrative.

 Spelling, punctuation and grammar: 

  • Write a range of sentences which are grammatically accurate.
  • Demarcate most sentences with a capital letter and full stop.
  • To identify word classes: nouns and adjective.
  • To use adjectives to add greater detail.
  • Begin to edit and make improvements to work.



  • Count objects to 100 and read and write numbers in numerals and words.
  • Represent numbers to 100 using a range of mathematical manipulatives.
  • Use a place value chart.
  • Recognise the place value of each digit in a two digit number (tens, ones)
  • Partition numbers to 100.
  • Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100; use <, > and = signs.
  • Use place value and number facts to solve problems.
  • Count in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s.



  • Explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive.
  • Identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other.
  • Identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including micro-habitats
  • Describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food



  • To know which capital cities are on the coast.
  • To know which seas surround the UK.
  • To know why people like to visit the coast.
  • To know what is special about Dover.
  • To know what is special about Lyme Regis
  • To answer the key question—are all coastal areas the same? 


  • To know that dynamics can change the effect a sound has on the audience.
  • To know that the long and short sounds of a spoken phrase can be represented by a rhythm.
  • To understand that structure means the organisation of sounds within music, e.g. a chorus and verse pattern in a song.
  • To understand that the tempo of a musical phrase can be changed to achieve a different effect. 


  • Understand that pattern is a repeating motif.
  • Understand how pattern is used within art
  • Understand the importance of symbols, patterns and objects within Indian culture.
  • Use line to draw from a secondary source
  • Develop an understanding of different mediums and how they can be used together
  • Understand that observational studies can be used as a starting point for inspiration


  • To recognise the uses and features of information technology.
  • To identify information technology in the home.
  • To identify information technology beyond school.
  • To explain how information technology benefits us.
  • To show how to use information technology safely. 


  • Understand the rights and responsibilities of class members 
  • Know about rewards and consequences and that these stem from choices 
  • Know that it is important to listen to other people 
  • Understand that their own views are valuable 
  • Know that positive choices impact positively on self-learning and the learning of others
  • Identifying hopes and fears for the year ahead  


  • Who is a Jew and what do they believe?
  • What does a mezuzah remind Jewish people about?
  • How and why do Jewish people celebrate Shabbat?
  • How do Jewish people think about miracles at Hanukah?   


  • Explore basic large body actions and gestures from a range of stimuli (words, sounds, pictures, objects etc).
  • Describe why you think certain body actions have been chosen.
  • Describe actions using simple, dynamic qualities (fast/slow, hard/soft, strong/light) etc.
  • Use simple dance vocabulary to describe why they like something. 

PE days will be on Tuesdays and FridaysCould children please come dressed in their PE kits and earrings are to be taken out on these days. 


 For more information on our remote learning offer for those of you learning from home, please click here

Click here to see the reading, writing and maths expectations in Year 2

For more information on the learning taking place this term, please see the Year 2 curriculum map below.

As well as accessing our broad curriculum, our pupil offer outlines the additional opportunities your child will have whilst in Year 2

Curriculum Maps

Term 1 Curriculum Map 

Term 2 Curriculum Map 

Term 3 Curriculum Map

Term 4 Curriculum Map

Term 5 Curriculum Map 

Term 6 Curriculum Map 

Class Timetables 

Year 2 Class Timetable

Homework in Year 2

Daily Reading

We encourage all children to read at home daily and a note to be written in their reading record book. If the school book has been completed then please read and share any other books or comics that you have at home. These can also be record in the reading record and count towards the number of daily reads. School books will be changed on Monday and Thursday

Daily Reading

We encourage all children to read at home daily and a note to be written in their reading journal. If the school book has been completed then please read and share any other books/comics you have at home. These can also be recorded in the reading journal and can count towards the number of daily reads. 


Spelling will be sent home on a Tuesday and will tested the following Monday. 

TT Rockstars

We suggest working on TT Rockstars for 15 minutes a week; however you can do more should you wish. Specific timestables will be set for your child and this programme aims to increase the fluency of these. This is an online maths game that can be accessed on tablet, ipads and desktops. 

 English in Year Two

Reading in Year Two

Similar to Year 1, children will be listened to on a weekly basis in a guided reading group. This guided reading session is timetabled to enable the children access a different English based activity everyday e.g. a comprehension activity or a  Spelling, Punctuation and/or Grammar (SPaG) related piece of work.

Continuing from Year 1, the children are taught to read accurately by blending the sounds in words that contain the graphemes taught so far, especially the alternative sounds for graphemes. By the end of Year 2, a child should be able to read books written at an age-appropriate interest level with accuracy. They should also be able to read at a speed that is sufficient for a child to focus on understanding what is read rather than sounding out individual words.

Writing and SPaG in Year Two

Throughout Year 2, children will have the opportunity to learn and develop their key skills of writing. By the end of Year 2 we would like all children to spell words in a phonetically plausible way, even if sometimes it is incorrect. They should be able to write down ideas that have been composed orally and letters should be orientated correctly. They should be able to use age-appropriate vocabulary, grammar and punctuation concepts correctly.

Maths in Year Two

 Our curriculum map outlines our maths learning throughout the year. In regards to number, children will be taught to compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100 and to use place value and number facts to solve problems. 

In measures, children will be encouraged to solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money including giving change. 

In fractions they will learn how to recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/4, 1/3, 2/4 and 3/4 of a length, shape and set of objects or quantity.

In multiplication and division they will recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times table including recognising odd and even numbers. They will also solve problems involving multiplication and division.




