School Development Plan
Main Priorities
Quality of Education
- Improve writing and SPAG attaiment and maintain a sharp focus on early reading and reading in English.
- Strengthen the culure for mathematics further.
- Ensure assessment is used effectively across the curriculum enabling pupils to know more and remember more.
- Ensure SEND and disadvantaged achieve highly and there is high ambition for these pupils.
- Ensure the curriculum's intent and implementation are embedded consistently and securely across the school and pupil's develop detailed knowledge and skills as a result.
Leadership and Management
- Leaders to further improve teacher subject, pedagogical and pedagogical content knowledge to ensure this consistently translates into improvements in the teaching of curriculum.
- Leaders to continue to prioritise staff wellbeing and workload.
- Governors to effectively hold leaders to account for the quality of education and ensure a strong strategic vision.
Behaviour and Attitudes
- Strengthen anti-bullying, safeguarding and behaviour systems further to ensure they are outstanding.
- Enusre all pupils have high attendance including those that are disadvantaged.
Personal Development
- Contiue to prioritise equality, diversity, SMSC and extracurricular provision to ensure there is outstanding personal development.