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Kings Hill School Primary & Nursery

Inspired to believe, Inspired to achieve


We ensure that our children are rewarded in a variety of ways to help motivate them and celebrate their successes. We believe rewarding for effort, achievements and demonstrating our school values are very important in developing confidence to succeed.

Individual Rewards

At Kings Hill children can receive different types of individual rewards such as:-

  • House points
  • Merits in their 'Record of Achievement' Cards (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Special Award Level)
  • Class Teachers will also often provide their own incentives e.g. box of marbles
  • Super Merit Awards (These are given out at the end of each term and parents are invited to come and watch - in secret !)
  • Citizenship Cup Award (This is a very prestigious award that is given out in the Friday Celebration Assembly each week and only a few children each week are chosen for displaying qualities that week that demonstrate what an excellent school citizen they are.)

Class Rewards

Children are also rewarded in their classes by colouring in the letters of "Kings Hill School." Once they have coloured in all their letters, the class are able to choose a treat afternoon of their choice. This could include playing games on the field or having a picnic together.

Classes can also win the attendance award each week if they are the class with the highest attendance.

Classes can win the Kings Hill School Bear each week for something excellent that they have done. Sometimes they win this for leading a wonderful assembly or showing excellent behaviour on a school trip. Children are always very keen to win this bear no matter whether they are in Reception or Year 6 !

House Awards

Each year there will also be the winning house with the greatest number of house points. This house will receive a special house trophy. Special house awards are also given to the houses during inter-house sports competitions such as football or netball.

What has been particularly special has been the emergence of an inclusive, consistent, thoughtfully planned and warming school community atmosphere eg with newsletters, harvest celebration, carol concerts, parent assemblies. It seems that anyone at KHS can be recognised and celebrated either individually or in groups.

