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Kings Hill School Primary & Nursery

Inspired to believe, Inspired to achieve

School Uniform

The majority of our school uniform are generic items that can be purchased from a range of retailers. The only branded, compulsory item is the school jumper or cardigan that is available via our supplier, Philip Mans. 


Our School Uniform consists of the following:

White plain polo shirt

Navy Blue trousers/shorts (can be worn all year)

Navy Blue skirt/pinafore (can be worn all year)

Yellow and white checked dress (optional for summer only)

Kings Hill School Jumper or Cardigan available from Philips Mans (compulsory branded item)

Black School Shoes

Jewellery and nail varnish is not permitted except small plain stud earrings. These should be removed for PE.

Hair clips should be kept simple and children with long hair should tie their hair back.

If you would like to visit our uniform supplier please click here

Please click here for Kings Hill School Uniform Guidance 



