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Kings Hill School Primary & Nursery

Inspired to believe, Inspired to achieve

Our school council

At Kings Hill we have a very active School Council full of dynamic and hard working pupils who are determined to make a difference, where all year groups are represented throughout the school.


What do our School Council do?

  • We are the voice for our class.
  • We can help influence decisions about things at our school.
  • We allow pupils to come forward and share ideas.
  • We support our school and all of the children.
  • We are chosen by our classmates to represent our class.
  • We want to help make Kings Hill School a better place.
  • You will know who we are because we wear a School Council badge.

What have we been involved in recently?

  • Last term our school council members were involved in a virtual meet up with the school council at John Stainer Primary school in London. We discussed the projects we have been working on, debated our ideas and shared some suggestions for projects going forward.
  • We have carried out a vote across the school regarding magazine subscriptions for the newly updated library and we will be subscribing to the most popular magazine so that it is available in the library for anyone to read.

So what do we have coming up?

  • The school council will be working on ways to promote more sustainable travel to and from school.
  • We will be encouraging pupil voice across the school.

Our News
