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Kings Hill School Primary & Nursery

Inspired to believe, Inspired to achieve

Behaviour and Anti-Bullying

Kings Hill is a safe, secure and happy learning community based on thoughtfulness and consideration for others. We are constantly reminded of how well behaved and respectful our children are by visitors. Our children even receive special recognition for their behaviour when they go on school trips.

We are very fortunate to welcome many classes to our workshop activities during the school year, we expect, and usually experience, good behaviour from our visitors. That my staff felt the conduct of your pupils was of a standard that deserved extra recognition is a compliment to the whole school and to yourself as their head. I hope we will have other opportunities of welcoming your staff and pupils to events in the future. Dr Lynda Pearce Dover Museum

Behaviour Policy 2022-2023

Aims of our Behaviour Policy

  • Set the highest standards of behaviour
  • To encourage children to develop personal responsibility for their own actions
  • Ensure that everyone adheres to the school code of conduct including all members of staff
  • Ensure equal opportunities and fairness for all
  • Encourage the support of parents and develop open communication to establish a consistent approach to behaviour
  • To promote self-respect and respect for others
  • Develop emotional maturity and stability
  • Monitor behaviour to ensure that children are not excluded from activities on the basis of gender, race or disability
  • Reward good behaviour with a system of rewards that encourages positive behaviour
  • Challenge and deal with unacceptable behaviour following clear procedures and guidelines
  • Be understanding and tolerant of others

We develop good behaviour and a positive ethos by:

  • Ensuring that all children are treated fairly and equally and their social development and emotional well-being is fostered
  • Providing children with opportunities to develop positive relationships with others by encouraging cooperative activities
  • Acknowledging efforts and achievements of children both in and out of school
  • Setting an example of positive behaviour by all members of the school community demonstrating consideration and kindness to each other
  • Valuing children’s opinions and contributions through assemblies, class discussions and other school events
  • Providing opportunities for children to celebrate their achievements and successes
  • Including children in the development of their own school by listening and responding to their suggestions and developing pupil voice
  • Nurturing the personal growth of each child
  • Dealing with conflict and disagreement fairly and compassionately based on principles of reconciliation
  • Giving children opportunities to lead assemblies and other initiatives and events


We place emphasis on regular anti-bullying workshops, assemblies and circle time. It is important for all children to feel equipped in knowing how to deal with a bullying situation and important for parents to also know how to support their children in these kinds of situations.

Anti-Bullying Policy 2021-2022

We have also worked with the largest anti-bullying charity Kidscape to provide training for all children, staff and parents to ensure that bullying of any kind is not tolerated in our school and that the whole school community work together.

Please see here for the presentation slides from Kidscape.

Kidscape have also launched a confidential advice line for concerned parents. The number is 0207 823 5430 (Mon-Tues 10 am-5pm) or visit

Anti-Bullying Week  'The Power of Good'

Kings Hill School launched a new approach to anti-bullying by implementing House Families in 2016. Whilst successful in secondary schools, the idea was a little ambitious for 450 primary school children, but the results have been amazing!

This created much excitement and saw children from all Year groups working together against bullying. House families were led by teachers and included a mix of children from Year R through to Year 6.

As well as an anti-bullying assembly, there were lots of fun friendship activities and crafts, as well as a competition to create Kings Hill School’s Power for Good character.

“ I loved getting to know my friend’s little sister” Sophie Year 6

“ I made a new friend…he was so kind to me” Ryan Year 4

“ My favourite thing was meeting a new friend and discussing our character’s super powers” Izzy Year 5

“I liked holding hands with my friends in Year 6” Nathaniel Year R

 Following the success this week, House Families will continue to drive the teaching of PSHE through regular lessons, with children meeting each term.

We are proud of our new layer of pastoral care and believe that House Families will unite against bullying.

